is a syndrome that includes several clinical phenotypes that share similar clinical manifestations. It is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, whose pathogenesis involves several cells and mediators of inflammation, conditioned in part by genetic factors and that results in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and a variable airflow obstruction. (1)
The presence of airway inflammation is a common feature. Inflammatory pattern and mediators are responsible for causing disease symptoms and persistent inflammation (1).
Underdiagnosis of asthma may be ranged between 20% and 73% while overdiagnosis of asthma is around 30-35%, resulting on serious consequences to patients and into healthcare systems. One of the causes for the underdiagnosis of asthma is that in an initial diagnostic assessment no objective tests are used (3) .
(1) GEMA, Comité Ejecutivo de la. GEMA 4.4: Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma. Madrid: Luzán 5, 2019. ISBN: 978- 84-17372-51-4.
(2) Asthma costs and social impact. Carlos Nunes, Ana Margarida Pereira and Mário Morais-Almeida. 1, s.l. : Asthma Research and Practice, 2017, Vol. 3.
(3) Underdiagnosis and Overdiagnosis of Asthma. Shawn D. Aaron, Louis Philippe Boulet, Helen K. Reddel, and Andrea S. Gershon. 8, s.l. : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2018, Vol. 198